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The Bible Versus Nature

“In discussions of physical problems we ought to begin not from the authority of scriptural passages but from sense experiences and necessary demonstrations; for the holy Bible and the phenomena of nature proceed alike from the divine Word, the former as dictate of the Holy Ghost and the latter as the observant executrix of God’s commands.

It is necessary for the Bible, in order to be accommodated to the understanding of every man, to speak many things which may appear to differ from the absolute truth so far as the bare meaning of the words is concerned. But Nature, on the other hand, is inexorable and immutable; she never transgresses the laws imposed upon her, or cares a whit whether her abstruse reasons and method of operation are understandable to men. For that reason it appears that nothing physical which sense experience sets before our eyes, or which necessary demonstrations prove to us, ought to be called in question upon the testimony of biblical passages which may have some different meaning beneath their words. For the Bible is not chained in every expression to conditions as strict as those which govern all physical effects”

Date Name
1298-1355 William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich
1324-1384 John Wycliffe, theologian
1365-1416 Jerome of Prague, Reformer, martyred
1370-1416 Jan Huss – Theologian – Martyr
1436-1517 Francisco Jimenez de Cisneros, Cardinal
1450-1532 William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury
1452-1519 Hugh Oldham, Bishop of Exeter
1468-1536 Erasmus Roterdamus
1473-1530 Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal
1483-1546 Martin Luther, Reformer
1484-1531 Ulrich Zwingli, Reformer
1484-1536 William Tyndale, Theologian – Martyr
1484-1545 Georg Spalatin aka Burkhardt, Reformer
1487-1555 Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester
1489-1556 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of the Church of England – Martyr
1490-1545 Albrect von Brandenburg, Archbishop of Mainz
1491-1556 Ignatius of Loyola, priest
1493-1555 Justus Jonas, Reformer
1494-1546 David Beaton, Archbishop
1497-1560 Philip Melanchthon, Reformer
1500-1555 John Bradford, Chaplain of the Church of England – Martyr
1500-1555 John Rogers, Bible translator
1500-1555 Nicholas Ridley, Bishop, martyred
1500-1558 Redinald Pole, Cardinal
1504-1575 Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury
1509-1536 John of Leiden, Anabaptist
1509-1564 John Calvin, Reformer
1510-1572 John Knox
1532-1594 William Allen, Cardinal
1544-1610 Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury
1562-1633 George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury
1583-1645 Hugo Grotius, theologian
1585-1642 Cardinal Richelieu, noble statesman
1600-1669 Clement IX, Pope
1611-1684 Robert Leighton, Archbishop of Glasgow
1615-1702 Thomas Smith, Bishop of Carlisle
1620-1695 Jean d’Arenthon d’Alex, Bishop
1627-1704 Jacques-Benigne Boussuet, Bishop
1630-1694 John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury
1637-1708 William Beveridge, Bishop of St Asaph
1643-1715 Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury
1651-1715 Francois Fenelon, Theologian
1663-1727 August Herman Franck, Theologian
1663-1732 Francis Atterbury, Bishop
1692-1752 Joseph Butler, Bishop
1693-1768 Thomas Secker, Archbishop of Canterbury
1700-1760 Nikolaus Ludwig, Count of Zinzendorf, Reformer
1700-1761 Clement August, Archbishop-Elector
1702-1751 Philip Doddridge, Reverend
1703-1791 John Wesley, Anglican theologia
1707-1781 Johann August Ernesti, theologian
1707-1791 Selena, Coutess of Huntingdon
1710-1787 Robert Lowth, Bishop
1711-1771 John Gambold, Bishop
1713-1768 Laurence Sterne, Anglican
1714-1770 George Whitefield, Anglican preacher
1714-1773 Howell Harris, Methodist
1718-1800 Hugh Blair, rhetorician
1720-1808 Richard Hurd, Bishop of Worcester
1721-1793 William Robertson, Church of Scotland
1725-1807 John Henry Newton, Anglican
1729-1786 Moses Mendelssohn, philosopher-600
1733-1804 Joseph Priestly, theologian
1739-1815 Mary Bosanquet Fletcher, Methodist deaconess
1744-1803 Johann Gotfried Herder, theologian
1744-1833 Rowland Hill, Evangelical preacher
1747-1814 Thomas Coke, Bishop
1753-1812 Franz Volkmar Reinhard, theologian
1753-1829 Robert Nares, philologist
1754-1828 August Hermann Niemeyer, theologian
1761-1803 Lord George Murray, Anglican cleric
1761-1832 Adam Clarke, Theologian
1763-1839 Joseph Fesch, Cardinal
1766-1843 Johann Schuderoff, theologian
1766-1848 William Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury
1766-1850 Christoph Ammon, theologian
1768-1834 Friedrich Schleiermacher, theologian
1769-1839 Christian Ludwig Neuffer, theologian
1769-1842 Francis Wrangham, Archdeacon
1772-1847 Johann Heinrich van Ess, theologian
1776-1848 Karl Gottlieb Bretschneider, theologian
1777-1836 Henry Ryder, Anglican
1777-1848 Johann Friedrich Rohr, theologian
1778-1828 Heinrich Gottlieb Tzschirner, Protestant
1778-1858 Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta
1778-1869 Henry Phillpotts, Bishop of Exeter
1780-1849 Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de Wette, theologian
1785-1860 Moritz Ferdinand Schmaltz, theologian
1792-1878 Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferrenti, Pope Pius IX
1794-1872 William Ellis, author
1799-1872 Leberecht Uhlich, clergyman
1803-1851 Karl Gutzlaff, missionary to the Far East
1808-1874 David Strauss, theologian
1810-1891 Carl Nauwerk, theologian
1810-1903 Leo XIII, Pope
1814-1896 Mirza Mohammad Hassan, cleric
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