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(Click title Books or Author to sort it in alphabetical order)

Books Author
Plantagenet Princesses Boyd, Douglas
Knights Templar Encyclopedia Ralls, Karen PhD.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville 1322 Mandeville, John
The Knights Templar at War Hill, Paul
Medieval Europe Wickham, Chris
The Life of Saladin Beha ed-Din
Henry the Second Green, Alice Stopford
Living with Disfigurement in the Early Middle Ages Skinner, Patricia
England Under The Angevin Kings: Volume 1 Norgate, Kate
England Under The Angevin Kings: Volume 2 Norgate, Kate
Scottish History: Strange but True Hamilton, John & Noreen
Nicholas Breakspear, Adrian IV: Englishman and Pope Tarleton, Alfred Henry
Europe in the Middle Ages Plunket, Irene
Civilization During the Middle Ages Adams, George
The Song of Roland Sayers, Dorothy L.
Travelling in the Middle Ages Ribella, Davide
The Waning of the Middle Ages Huizinga, Johan
The History of Richard the First Abbott, Jacob
The Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion Devizes, Richard of, and Vinsauf Geoffrey de
The Story of the Crusades Wilmot-Buxtun, Edith
The History of the Knights Templar Addison, Charles
Lost Heirs of the Medieval Crown Andrews, J. F.
Powers and Thrones Jones, Dan
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Scott, Sir Walter
The Inquisition – A Political and Military Study of its Establishment Nickerson, Hoffman
Becket Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Arabian Society in the Middle Ages Lane, Edward
The Great Heresies Belloc, Hilaire
The Middle Ages Grosvenor, Edwin S.
The Military Orders of the Middle Ages Woodhouse, Frederick
Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions Doane, T. W.
Medieval France from the reign of Hughes Capet to the beginning of the 16th Century Masson, Gustave
Suger: The life of Louis VI 'the Fat' Brown, Richard
The Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales Cambrensis, Giraldus
Scenes & Characters of the Middle Ages Cutts, Edward
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine Khalidi, Rashid
The Templars Jones, Dan
Saladin Man, John
The Crusades: The World's Debate Belloc, Hilaire
The Normans: from Raiders to Kings Brownworth, Lars
Crusader Castles Editors, Charles River
The Moors in Spain: History of the Conquest Poole, Stanley Lane
King Arthur Hibbert, Christopher
A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages Oman, Charles
The High History of the Holy Grail Anonymous
The Crusades: An introduction Tyrell, James
Medieval Europe 395 - 1270 Bemont, Charles & Monod, Gabriel
A Short History of the Norman Conquest of England Freeman, Edward Augustus
A History of France Davis, William Stearns
The Gospel of Thomas Eltzroth, Daniel
Medieval Combat Talhoffer, Hans
England under the Normans and Angevins Davis, Carless H.W.
Origin of the Templars: and Origin of the Vatican's Power Holst, Sanford
Life of Merlin: Vita Merlini Geoffrey of Monmouth
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle King Alfred the Great
The Arts in the Middle Ages Jacob, Paul Lacroix
Richard the Lionheart Norgate, Kate
The Crusade of Richard I, 1189-92 Archer, T. A.
The Knights Hospitaller Charles, River Editors
The Art of War in the Middle Ages Oman, Charles
Medieval Life: Manners, Customs and Dress Lacroix, Paul
Medieval Maritime Warfare Stanton Charles D.
Stupor Mundi: The Life and Times of Frederick 11 Allshorn, Lionel
A History of Germany in the Middle Ages Henderson, Ernest F.
The Life of Saladin Lane-Poole, Stanley
Ecclesiastical History of the English People Bede, Venerable
History of the Britons Nennius, Saint
Richard the Lion Heart: The Crusader King Norgate, Kate
Henry the Second Green, Mrs. J. R.
Notre-Dame: A History Winston, Richard
Life in the Middle Ages Winston, Richard
Master Builders of the Middle Ages Jacobs, David
Richard and Saladin Duggan, Alfred
Chronicle of the Kings of England Malmesbury, William of
The Magnificent Century Costain, Thomas B.
The Crusades Ludlow, James
The Crusades Oldenbourg, Zoe
Jerusalem: Stone and Spirit Bahat, Dan & Sabar, Shalom
Jerusalem's Temple Mount Shanks, Hershel
What is Islam? A Comprehensive Introduction Horrie, Chris & Chippindale, Peter
God wills it! Bartlett, W.B.
Rosslyn Chapel The Earl of Rosslyn
Rosslyn: Guardian of the secrets of the Holy Grail Wallace-Murphy, Tim & Hopkins, Marilyn
Historical Atlas of the Islamic World Nicolle, David
Clash of Crowns McAuliffe Mary
Sea of Faith O'Shea, Stephen
Knights Hospitaller Dafoe, Stephen
The Knight in History Gies, Frances
The Jesus Dynasty Tabor, James D.
The Holy Grail Terhart, Franjo
The Holy Grail - A Brief History Morgan, Giles
Popular Tales from Norse Mythology Dasent, George Webbe
The Popes Walsh, Michael J.
Revelations Pagels, Elaine
The Secret Language of Churches & Cathedrals Stemp, Richard
Lost Buildings of Britain Thurley, Simon
Crusader Castles in the Holy Land Nicolle, David
Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry Braziller, George
The Knights of The Holy Grail Wallace-Murphy, Tim
The Quest for Eternity Wood, Charles T.
The Canterbury Tales Ackroyd, Peter
Thomas Becket Guy, John
The Oxford History of Medieval Europe Holmes, George
Philip Augustus Hutton, William Holden
The Papacy, a History Wylie, J. A.
The Plantagenet Chronicles Hallam, Elizabeth: Editor
Richard the LionHeart Gillingham, John
Richard the Lionheart Miller, David
Lionheart & Lackland McLynn, Frank
Eleanor of Aquitaine Weir, Alison
Eleanor of Aquitaine Meade, Marion
Eleanor of Aquitaine & the Four Kings Kelly, Amy
Everyday Life in Medieval Times Rowling, Marjorie
Travels with a Medieval Queen Taylor Simeti, Mary
Henry Plantagenet Barber, Richard
Henry the Second Warren, W. L.
Warriors of God Reston Jr., James
The Crusades Treece, Henry
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes Maalouf, Amin
The Third Crusade 1191 Nicolle, David
Rome & Jerusalem Goodman, Martin
The Book of Saladin Ali, Tariq
The Crusades: A Brief History Hindley, Geoffrey
The Cross and the Crescent Fletcher, Richard
The Reign of Chivalry Barber, Richard
The Sword and the Scimitar Bradford, Ernle
Fighting For Christendom Tyerman, Christopher
Warriors of Christendom Mathews, J. & Stewart, Bob
The Assassins Lewis, Bernard
William Marshal Painter, Sidney
Dungeon, Fire & Sword Robinson, John J.
Philip Augustus Bradbury, Jim
The Gospels of Mary Meyer, Marvin
1215 Magna Carta Danziger, D. & Gillingham, J.
Mary Magdalene Chilton, Bruce
Yiddish Civilisation Kriwaczek, Paul
The Troubadour's Song Boyle, David
Amo, Amas, Amat... and all that Mount, Harry
The Age of Chivalry Bulfinch, Thomas
The Angevin Empire Ramsey, James
William Marshal, the Flower of Chivalry Duby, Georges
Lionhearts, Richard 1 and Saladin Regan, Geoffrey
King Arthur Goodrich, Norma Lorre
Jesus and Early Christianity in the Gospels Grolin, Daniel J.
Guinevere Goodrich, Norma Lorre
Merlin Goodrich, Norma Lorre
Lanzelet Zatzikhoven, Ulrich Von
Lays of Marie de France France, Marie de
Arthurian Romances Troyes, Chretien de
Saladin in his Time Newby, P.H.
Hagia Sophia Winston, Richard
Hastings Wright, Peter Poyntz
The Art of Courtly Love Capellanus, Andreas
Forged Ehrman, Bart D.
Maid Marian Peacock, Thomas Love
De Re Militari Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
Heloise & Abelard Burge, James
Holy Blood, Holy Grail Baigent, M., Leigh, R. & Lincoln, H.
The Knights Templar Huchet, Patrick
The Knights Templar Nicholson, Helen
The Knights Templar Temple of Mysteries
Church Architecture Stancliffe, Bishop David
Mysteries of the Middle Ages Cahill, Thomas
How the Scots invented the Modern World Herman, Arthur
Legends of Charlemagne Bulfinch, Thomas
Le Morte d'Arthur Malory, Thomas, Sir
The Angevins and the Charter 1154-1216 Toyne, S.M.
The Crusades - The Flame of Islam Lamb, Harold
History of Medieval Europe Keen, Maurice
The Grand Inquisitor's Manual Kirsch, Jonathan
The Medieval Castle of the Louvre Fleury, Michel & Kruta, Venceslas
The Historical Atlas of the Celtic World Barnes, Dr. Ian
The History of England Foundation Ackroyd, Peter
A Brief History of Time Hawking, Stephen
A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea Tyre, William of
Millennium Holland, Tom
The Normans in European History Charles, Homer Haskins
How The Irish Saved Civilization Cahill, Thomas
The Medieval Machine Gimpel, Jean
The Templars and the Shroud of Christ Frale, Barbara
The Plantagenets Wilson, Derek
Guided by a Stone-Mason Maude, Thomas
Knights in History and Legend Bouchard, Constance Brittain
Crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion Devizes, Richard
Atlas of Medieval Europe Konstam, Angus
A Concise History of Scotland Maclean, Fitzroy
The Conquering Family Costain, Thomas B
The Classical Compendium Matyszak, Philip
Women of the Twelfth Century Duby, Georges
Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Armstrong, Karen
Arab Historians of the Crusades Gabrieli, Francesco
The Templars: Knights of God Burman, Edward
The Third Horseman Rosen, William
The Order of the Hospital of St. John Bedford, W. K. R.
The History of the Knights Templar Addison, Charles
The History of the Middle Ages Duruy, Victor
The Crusades Archer, T. A.
History of the Middle Ages Duruy, Victor
History of King Richard the First of England Abbott, Jacob
The Crusade of Richard I, 1189-92 Thomas, Archer
The History of the Kings of Britain Monmouth, Geofrey of
Everyday Life in the Middle Ages Sherrilyn Kenyon
Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Abrahams, Israel
On the Harmony of Religions and Philosophy Ibn Rashid (Averroes)

Art History

Books Date Author
Giotto 1267 - 1337 Sarel Eimerl
Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - 1519 Robert Wallace
Durer 1471 - 1528 Francis Russell
Michelangelo 1475 - 1564 Robert Coughlan
Titian 1488 - 1576 Jay Williams
Bruegel 1525 - 1569 Timothy Foote
Rubens 1577 - 1640 C.V. Wedgewood
Bernini 1598 - 1680 Robert Wallace
Velazquez 1599 - 1660 Dale Brown
Rembrandt 1606 - 1669 Robert Wallace
Vermeer 1632 - 1675 Hans Koning
Watteau 1624 - 1721 Pierre Schneider
Gainsborough 1727 - 1788 Jonathan Norton Leonard
Copley 1738 - 1815 Alfred Frankenstein
Goya 1746 - 1828 Richard Schickel
Turner 1775 - 1851 Diana Hirsh
Delacroix 1798 - 1863 Tom Prideaux
Manet 1832 - 1883 Pierre Schneider
Winslow Homer 1836 - 1910 James Thomas Flexner
Cezanne 1839 - 1906 Richard W. Murphy
Rodin 1840 - 1917 William Harlan Hale
Van Gogh 1853 - 1890 Robert Wallace
Matisse 1869 - 1954 John Russell
Picasso 1881 - 1973 Lael Wertenbaker
Marcel Duchamp 1887 - 1968 Calvin Tomkins

Historical Fiction

Title Author
The Alchemist Coelho, Paulo
The Lionheart Trilogy by Ben Kane  
Lionheart Kane, Ben
Crusader Kane, Ben
King Kane, Ben
William Marshal: Guardian of England Trilogy  
William Marshal: The Knight Banneret Woodman, Richard
William Marshal: The King's Knight Woodman, Richard
William Marshal: Guardian of the Realm Woodman, Richard
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Pyle, Howard
Robin Hood: The First Arrow Pilling, David
The Murder of King Tut Patterson, James
Ivanhoe Scott, Sir Walter
Charters of Gold Billington, Rachel
The Talisman Scott, Sir Walter
The Da Vinci Code Brown, Dan
Lionheart: The Diaries of Richard I Manson, Chris
The Book of Eleanor Kaufman, Pamela
Outremer Richard Allibone


Alice in Wonderland
Title Author
Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carrol
Alice through the looking Glass Lewis Carrol
James Bond
Live and Let Die Ian Fleming
Moonraker Ian Fleming
Diamonds Are Forever Ian Fleming
From Russia with Love Ian Fleming
Dr. No Ian Fleming
Goldfinger Ian Fleming
For Your Eyes Only Ian Fleming
Thunderball Ian Fleming
The Spy Who Loved Me Ian Fleming
On Her Majesty's Secret Service Ian Fleming
You Only Live Twice Ian Fleming
The Man with the Golden Gun Ian Fleming
Dune Trilogy
Dune Frank Herbert
Dune Messiah Frank Herbert
Children of Dune Frank Herbert
Chronicles of Narnia
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S Lewis
Prince Caspian C.S. Lewis
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C.S. Lewis
The Silver Chair C.S. Lewis
The Horse and his Boy C.S. Lewis
The Magician's Nephew C.S. Lewis
The Last Battle C.S. Lewis
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien
The Two Towers J.R.R. Tolkien
The Return of the King J.R.R. Tolkien
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